PannetArtStudio - Blog & Events

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Kicking Fear to the least setting it aside...and doing the thing (anything) anyway!

Are you open to change? Do-overs, Start overs, New beginnings, New possibilities? 
Fresh starts do bring unexpected people and opportunities into our lives but when starting over don't leave all of the old behind. 
Lives are just like collages, collages within collages composed of the unlimited elements of our living: collected experiences, faded memories, shredded beliefs, found knowledge, bitter lessons, haphazardly torn bits, and precisely cut pieces. 
As the days of our lives unfold, old elements are subtracted and new elements are added — our Life Collage dynamically changes with us revealing a slightly different painting each day. 
While it’s easy to use and reuse the pleasant, pretty pieces, resist the temptation to bury the ugly pieces deep within you. Don't keep them "compartmentalized'.
Channel that angry, turbulent energy from a disappointment into a visual creation or performance that brings you compassion, joy and peace. Combine old fears with new insights to build confidence in yourself and by extension, into your work. 

Push your depression into expression and see how differently you feel! 
Allow the unexpected into your life. Create another collage. Re-write your story. Re-create your own image!
XPress YourSELF! (

So I'm doing just that...working on my "Legend"...yes me, being a Legend. I do want to leave my Lineage a Legacy and in order to do that I will begin by being a Legend. How am i going about that? Gonna start with a painting. 
Incorporating my intention, my vision, of becoming a Legend into the painting. I've gotten the idea, blessed it and I've begun the layering process onto the canvas...a big ass canvas too! No shirking here! 
The written intention is me beginning anew, accepting and acknowledging what I am capable of accomplishing. For me there is always fear. A void I enter that freezes me. A vagueness before focus, anxiety before creativity, where I go from nothingness to abundance. I can and do become a creative expression of God at work through me. I remain open to Divine Ideas though I am a continuous work in progress working through the bumps, the hard parts, I move through the void toward the light. I am learning to grumble and grouse less and less and rejoice and accept more as It makes the process easier and simpler! 
There are some things at which I am good, great at even! I am learning to acknowledge and embrace this as fact because it is my Truth. And I am learning to acknowledge though there are things that take me an extremely long time to comprehend and carry out I do complete the task! I finish the job and I produce what is needed. 
I continue to learn and grow and move forward and for this I am grateful. I am stepping into unknown territory for me, going places I've not gone before and it is a scary process, for me, yet it is also exhilarating!
Yesterday I traveled down a new road! Literally - I drove down a road I'd never been on before and for me that is a giant leap out of my comfort zone! I'm one who goes the same way, every day, every year....I do not wander. It is fear of being lost that keeps me from exploring. It is that same fear that would keep me from learning and growing! 
So kicking fear to the curb I turned left instead of right - just to see where the road less traveled would take me. It took me home! Making that left turn showed me the road was a shorter distance than the way I had always taken and was literally "around" the corner from where I lived! I was so excited to have discovered a new way home! 
Of course the road had always been there, it was me...I was the one who had opened to new possibilities. I looked fear in the eye and turned left anyway. I took the road less traveled and still found my way home.

I recently went down another "new" path for me...the world of fund raising online! Please listen to/watch my video,
 read the story and if led to contribute, please do. I thank you!

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